My favorite bookstore: Richard L. Press Fine & Scholarly Books on the Arts

One rainy day last Fall I had the pleasure of revisiting Richard L. Press Fine & Scholarly Books on the Arts. I've been a long-time client but hadn't visited this independent bookstore since he had been at his former L Street location.

A kind, cultured, learned and generous soul, Richard will help you find any book he has in stock. If you behave and are respectful, you may get to pet the resident cat, be offered a piece of fine chocolate, and peruse the shelves for fine and rare books on any number of decorative arts of the 20th century as long as you wish.

His store is welcoming, cozy, and makes you want to slow down. Don't go here in a hurry. Relax and take it all in. Can't make it to his store? Then make a virtual visit online. Per his website:
"I buy and sell new, out of print and rare books primarily in the arts, i.e. sculpture, painting, printmaking, prints, printing, graphic arts, posters and poster art, photography, architecture. All the decorative arts of the 20th century is a specialty as is pre-20th century decorative arts the world over. Other specialties include textiles and textile art, books by and about women artists, ballet and dance, how-to books, very selective, as applied to the arts, books about books, artists' books, and a small selection of literature, music and film books."
If you're in town, I highly recommend a visit; support our community and patronize a local, independent book dealer.


Anonymous said...

Ah! That explains why it's difficult to find any cool Art & Architecture oriented texts in thrift stores around here! :)
I bet the books all want to end up here..

Gretchen said...

If I were a book, I'd want to live there!

wburg said...

I finally walked into that place last month and was absolutely amazed. I walked out with a very nice book on eclectic/revival architecture...although part of me really wanted the Taschen book on the Eames "Case Study" houses. My wallet vetoed that part.

Gretchen said...

The "Case Study" book is awesome, as I'm sure is the one on eclectic/revival architecture. Hope you got to chat Richard up. Charming, and knowledgeable; I think you two would have much to discuss, wburg.

Dane Henas said...

I love Richard! I've known him for years and I'm also remiss in not visiting him at his new location (new--what--like 2 years?). My fear is that I know I always walk out of there with 3 or 4 books I didn't know existed (like the Case Study House book), and my Fidelity account says "not now."