Several neighbors have discussed an interest in enrolling the Eichlers on the National Register of Historic Places. This has been done in Palo Alto's Green Gables and Greenmeadow neighborhoods. If you are a South Land Park Hills neighbor who is interested or has an opinion about this, please leave a comment at the end of this post.
The South Land Park Hills neighborhood is also home to many wonderful MCM homes.

Ironically, there is an Eichler Street in the neighborhood but there are no Eichler homes on it.
The photos in this set were taken in early and late Spring of 2009.
This set is my attempt to document the homes as they are today, over 50 years after they were built. If anyone knows of a Sacramento Eichler home I've omitted, please contact me and I will include it in the group. I've removed or fragmented addresses and license plates for privacy.
UPDATE 7.9.09: Special thanks to pinetree from Flickr for his keen eye in recognizing another Eichler in the neighborhood that I did not (it now looks like a conventional home). More pictures of this particular Eichler here in pinetree's Flickr eichler homes | land park photo set.