Per jitterbuzz.com, "...in suburban and rural areas where signal was weak, it was very important to have a properly aligned antenna. Thus, the external folded dipole (looks like a part of a trombone) antenna was erected on the roof. In some areas, even this did not suffice and folks went outside to rotate the antenna to catch a distant signal. For the more affluent, you could buy a Tenna Rotor sold by the Alliance Corporation in numberless commercials during the late night movies. This was a little box, shown below, that allowed you to orient the antenna from the comfort of your living room."

I really love how our unit was labeled for tuning into Sacramento and San Francisco TV stations! We haven't yet had the opportunity to find out if it still works.

I was surprised at the amount of information I found online regarding the Tenna-Rotor.
For instance, from I love antennas, a wiring diagram and installation instructions;

From webremote, a YouTube video demonstrating how it operates;
And even the manual if anyone is looking for it.